On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 4:28 PM, Brian <brian.min...@colorado.edu> wrote:
> I definitely think it's a good idea to go after the low hanging fruit first,
> which it sounds like is what they are doing with this 800k. Fixing the core
> of the problem is definitely not low hanging fruit - it's hard work. On the
> other hand, the foundation just got a couple million in unrestricted funds,
> and when I say that they can start fixing the problem at any time, I mean
> they can seek out an additional grant if necessary for this specific issue.
> Basically what I am saying is that I don't jive with the perspective that we
> should accept wikitext as it is and hack in new "fixes" on top of it. I
> would like to see the foundation go out and try to fix this problem the
> correct way, starting nowish.

They could do that.  I wouldn't be surprised if they start serious
WYSIWYG work in a year or two.  But there are a *lot* of things on
Wikipedia that could be improved.  Even with the big grants
Wikimedia's now getting, it operates on a budget less than 0.1% that
of some comparably large websites (like Google).

Right now I hope we're going to focus on getting more full-time
experienced programmers, like hiring a CTO and letting Brion become
only senior software architect.  We have lots of junior people doing
work, but code review is still a huge bottleneck AFAICT.  Just look at
the current discussion on JS2, for instance, or the outages caused by
performance problems that weren't caught before deployment.

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