K. Peachey wrote:
> The reason I suggested a separate IRC channel, since i wrote about it
> at night and my crazied ramblings probably didn't resemble much, (or
> communication venue in general, for example people have pointed out a
> mailing list) is because as someone pointed out (someone, Dmitriy i
> think it was without rereading all the emails) pointed out some of our
> channels are quite busy such as our #mediawiki and it is easy for
> questions to be missed espically in the peak-er hours of IRCing. Where
> as a smaller lesser traffic-ed channel would allow people to see their
> scrolls backs for questions that might of asked while they were away
> without having to sort out alot of join/quit/part messages and the
> like, nor would this venue have to be restricted to the GSOC people,
> anyone could join if they desired.
> -Peachey

And no people in low hours. Also note that the same problem is 
applicable to anyone else that uses #mediawiki
We will know who the students are, just tell them to mail 
(wikitech|mediawiki)-l if noone answers them.
You may also provide them a list of people to ping (mentor helpers), 
while they should easily figure out who is helping them every time and 
who is not, they may not know if asking specifically to him will be well 
received or not.
It is also important that they *stay* in the channel (so they can be 
answered by the backlog). And if everything fails, tell them to complain 
"everybody was talking about hip-hop and nobody payed attention to me!" 
After all, they have official support, in form of a mentor and community 
should be supportive, too.
Is our support so bad?

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