Excerpts from Carl (CBM)'s message of Mon Aug 02 19:06:42 -0400 2010:
> I am not a Debian developer, and I agree that sending fixes upstream
> is good. But surely you're aware that the whole point of "Debian
> stable" is that it does ***not*** change to newer versions of programs
> after release, apart from security fixes? Debian is well known for
> taking the word "stable" seriously (e.g. [1]) and it's a reason people
> choose them.

Ryan's complaint is:

    1. Distributors frequently get backported patches wrong (usually due
       to a lack of expertise or manpower), and

    2. Distributors roll patches without telling upstream developers who
       would happily accept them into the mainline.

However, upstream developers are often guilty of ignoring a distribution's
needs, so it goes both ways.


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