Funnily, I have been designing one over the past two or three days. 
Different reasons, though.

On 2/17/11 4:08 AM, Ilmari Karonen wrote:
> On 02/17/2011 06:46 AM, MZMcBride wrote:
>> If there's a way to improve the general login workflow (AJAX, CORS,
>> whatever), I'd like to see that implemented before this checkbox is ripped
>> out. I'm not sure, even with dark wizard magic, how you'd easily disable
>> global login. I suppose a Greasemonkey script might be able to auto-redirect
>> you on login or something, but that's a nasty Mozilla dependency that only
>> works per-computer.
> We could always remove the checkbox but keep the backend code that
> handles it.  Maybe even replace it with a hidden field and pull its
> value from the URL, so that one could simply go to
> to log in locally only.
> (In any case, the way API login is currently implemented, I don't think
> we can easily make this available via the API without also keeping the
> backend available via the web UI.)
> Regarding AJAX login, I agree that it would be nice and probably
> something the usability folks ought to look at.  I've seen several third
> party implementations, and even written a JS-only one myself:

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