Erik Moeller wrote:
> Quick update -- we now have more than 2,000 sign-ups. I figure that's
> a good base to work with (or if it isn't, there are bigger problems),
> so I've turned down the banner to about 20% and will disable it soon.
> Expect the frantic sign-up rate on to drop.
> You may have seen first bits of code pop up here and there; we'll next
> send folks an email with some of the standard pointers, also in an
> effort to re-engage people who signed up a few days ago but instantly
> forgot about it. ;-)  Greg's also going to send out a call for
> volunteers to help with the judging process.
> Erik

That's a lot! :)
I wonder how many of them will proceed to code something useful and
submit it. And how good will it be.

An issue I see with the challenge is that it encourages the cathedral
model,* so we lose the opportunity of training them as they go (eg.
point out how we do i18n).
Maybe Greg's mail should suggest them to ask for a quick review on
#mediawiki (specially for projects which aren't completely independent).
I pondered about the fairness of "helping" projects, but a) they could
ask for help anyway in those channels, b) if the suggestion is
broadcasted to all of them, they are in equal terms.

*This is common to (almost?) every competition, but I assume that the
goal isn't as much getting the best cathedral by each one but engaging
developers able to contribute to MediaWiki.

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