On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 10:40 AM, Platonides <platoni...@gmail.com> wrote:

> That's a lot! :)
> I wonder how many of them will proceed to code something useful and
> submit it. And how good will it be.
> An issue I see with the challenge is that it encourages the cathedral
> model,* so we lose the opportunity of training them as they go (eg.
> point out how we do i18n).

Indeed, this is very different from how we traditionally get volunteer
developers involved (by letting them walk into our web of addictive code and
giving them feedback on their code until they can't imagine doing anything
else ;).

I think the theory is that some small percentage of contestants will be
interested enough to actually dive in and do research, write code, and ask
people for feedback directly, and those are the people we'd actually want to
get back to?

Depending on how many of those 2000+ signups actually submit anything, that
might be a *lot* of extra judging work to find them, or it might not be too

-- brion
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