"Siebrand" changed the status of MediaWiki.r111997 to "fixme" and commented it.
URL: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:Code/MediaWiki/111997#c31287

Old Status: new
New Status: fixme

Commit summary for MediaWiki.r111997:

Committing this from git so that Siebrand can review it using CR tool.

Siebrand's comment:

This implements 

Failed the following acceptance criteria:
2. Which languages can you translate in?
2.1 Inputs for Maximum of three languages that a translator can indicate. 
Suggested is these are language selector dropdowns
2.2 the first selector is set to the user interface language when there are no 
user preferences yet.
2.3 Saving the form without having provided any language preference should not 
be possible.
3.5 I don’t want to be notified

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