
My sympathies on the frustration.  First I'm going to talk about the
problem in general, then about your issue.

Yes, the Wikimedia community is too slow to review contributions in
general.  The experienced developers who could do code review include
many people who don't work for the Wikimedia Foundation, but many of
them don't review patches or extensions, because they prefer to write
code or don't have time for MediaWiki at all.

Reviewing code is hard and tedious.  It requires more skill than writing
code does, more knowledge of MediaWiki internals and of Wikimedia site
architecture, and most developers just don't think they're skilled
enough to do it.

Things we're doing to try to fix this: As Tim mentioned,
WMF engineers are supposed to spend about 20% of their work time on
tasks that serve the Wikimedia community, such as review of volunteers'
contributions. has
the details.  For the past several months, the most urgent need has been
reviewing individual revisions submitted through the source control
system, to get that backlog down so we could deploy 1.19.  We have
indeed done that.  Rob Lanphier leads prioritization of 20% time so I'll
wait for his input on whether it's feasible to switch priorities to
extension review.  The trade-off is that this would lead to an increase
in our general Gerrit backlog and probably an increase in the number of
patches in Bugzilla awaiting review (currently 177 for MediaWiki core +
WMF-deployed extensions).

As Bugmeister, Mark Hershberger has been championing the review and
deployment of extensions in the review queue, such as the ShortURL
extension, but of course hasn't had time to concentrate on that
recently, given the urgent demands of the incoming bugs and of the
MediaWiki 1.19 deployment and release.

I reach out personally to ask experienced MediaWiki developers to review
patches that have been submitted in Bugzilla.  This has mixed results
and costs so much time (for me) per patch that it simply can't scale up
to the 150+ patches awaiting review.  To address this, Mark is working
on turning every patch in Bugzilla into a branch that gets submitted
into Gerrit.  That way automated tests will get run against those
patches (to reduce the amount of work human reviewers have to do), and
they'll be in the usual code review workflow.

To teach and encourage developers to do more code review and extension
review, we have led two code review trainings
and improved our code review documents .  I also personally
reach out to strong developers to ask them if they'd like to be mentored
to improve their code review skills.  I don't know whether these have
been effective.  Maybe this thread will awaken a desire among other
developers to help out by taking a look at these extensions and giving
useful criticism.

Now, about your situation specifically:

In the extension review queue I see one extension that's
labeled (on its extension page) as authored by you, OnlineStatusBar.  When I look at
the bug that's tracking its review, , I see that Timo
wants to review the extension thoroughly but hasn't yet; I'll poke him
about that.  What's the other extension?

You mentioned that there should be better guidelines.  I think is
fairly comprehensive about the process except that it doesn't give any
guidelines regarding time.  Where were you looking for information about
this process?  Go ahead and link to this document there.

Sumana Harihareswara
Volunteer Development Coordinator
Wikimedia Foundation

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