On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 11:55 AM, Antoine Musso <hashar+...@free.fr> wrote:

> Dear Gerrit users,
> Gerrit let us flag changes with two fields:
>  - Code Review
>  - Verified
> Anyone is allowed to +1/-1 the Code Review field but only a few people
> are allowed to mark a change as Verified.
> I have bring back Jenkins in action and it is now running tests for us,
> whenever a test suite is successful it marks it as Verified.
> What that means, is that a change could look fine (Verified + CR) and
> thus be merged by accident if someone with the correct right click the
> 'Submit Patch Set 1' button :-D
> No, that's not true. A change requires Code Review +2 before it can be
submitted, not +1. And only trusted reviewers have +2 powers.

> The feature is used by OpenStack:  https://review.openstack.org/
> OpenStack uses this because they have a policy that two core reviewers
must approve (i.e. two +2 reviews are needed) before something can be
merged. Because Gerrit allows merges after one +2, they implemented a
separate Approved category, and approvals are bureaucratic and based on the
presence of two +2s. Or at least that's the impression I got when I talked
to the OpenStack people at linux.conf.au .

Overall, I don't think we need this. The only reason I see to implement
this is because "+2" is a confusingly named concept, and it would be easier
to grok if we just had 3 categories that each just had -1 and +1.

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