On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 1:50 AM, Ori Livneh <ori.liv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If it isn't easy, let's make it easy. I'm a new developer and not having a
> repository to develop in has been absolutely paralyzing. (I requested one
> on May 23, for what it's worth).
> Gerrit is not just an SCM: there is a rapidly growing ecosystem of services
> that integrate with it -- and if your code isn't there, you're persona non
> grata. I've whipped up two iterations of a data collection backend for my
> team and got it set up on a labs instance, but that was a week ago, and
> since then things are at a standstill. It's been hard to get anyone to look
> at it, because everyone's workflow and attentional habits are interwoven
> with Gerrit now.
> This particular side-project is a useful illustration of another important
> point: Git's usefulness isn't limited to managing mature projects like
> Mediawiki -- it has a crucial role to play in the earliest stages of
> development, too. I have no idea if what I wrote is usable and scalable,
> and it would've been good to get some feedback early. In the past, I have
> found it useful and productive to whip up quick prototypes and put them up
> on GitHub for feedback, instead of trading in inchoate ideas, or sitting on
> them until the ideas feel mature (which *never* happens for me until I sit
> down and start writing code). The ideas that stick get developed into
> full-fledged products. Using Git in this way has been such a tremendous
> boon for me as a developer, and not having that has been really frustrating.
> I don't think expanding git-creation rights to a few more individuals goes
> far enough, because the point at which you need a repository is antecedent
> to the point in time at which you feel comfortable describing your work to
> someone. For cool projects to happen, people need to feel empowered to
> start repos for projects that seem speculative and maybe even a little
> silly, and that won't happen when you make it necessary to ask for
> permission.
> At this point I expect someone to come along and point out that you don't
> need Gerrit to start a Git repository -- "git init" will suffice. And
> that's true, as long as you don't need to collaborate with anyone, or
> develop on more than one machine (say rsync & I'll bop you on the head!),
> or have stable urls to share with people.

I mostly agree with what you've said.

Just wanted to point out gerrit projects (aka repos) can never be
destroyed. so if you e.g. typo or rename a project or kill it 5 days
after you started it's still there forever. Only very recently have we
even been able to hide projects from project listings in the UI.


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