On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 10:16 AM, Tyler Romeo <tylerro...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > - OAuth: Well not actually OAuth. After getting a full understanding of
> this topic
> > implementation of actual OAuth (1&2) looks like a dark dead-end. Rather
> than OAuth I'd like
> >  to write a new auth standard that learns from all the good things and
> the mistakes made in
> > both versions of OAuth and takes note of all the things we really need.
> And then implement it
> > into MediaWiki and write a series of server and client libraries/sdks so
> it's also easier to pick
> > up than either OAuth.
> Not a good idea: http://xkcd.com/927/
> While OAuth has its problems, it's not a terrible protocol (or at least v1
> isn't).
Seconded -- I'd rather see contributions to making OAuth less painful
rather than invent Yet Another Standard.

My personal wishlist:
 - Persona: Previously called BrowserID.  It's come a LONG way in the past
few months, and provides another fairly clean identity/authentication
 - OpenBadges: I'd love to explore options for implementing an OpenBadges
solution for MW -- methods to encourage good editing and contribution, and
to identify those who have consistently demonstrated this capability seems
pretty worthwhile.

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