One thing we can do is preemptively deploy the following files to wmf4

Of course someone should check and make sure the only changes this would
entail is adding a bunch of h3 selectors.

I don't have any deployment windows today, but it shouldn't be hard for
someone to squeeze this in. If anyone wants help with this, let me know.

Ryan Kaldari

On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 9:06 AM, Andre Klapper <>wrote:

> After Sumana's summary of the wmf5 phase2 deployment (last Wednesday) at
> we ran into similar issues again yesterday night when deploying to
> English Wikipedia (phase3).
> According to Ryan in bug 42452 , this time "The problem seems to be that
> ResourceLoader isn't delivering the updated CSS." Some minutes later
> Ryan "touched and synced the startup.js and
> ext.vector.collapsibleNav.css files. Seems to be working correctly now."
> Still, we have several users that state that after purging their browser
> cache they *still* face issues:
> Can anyone shed some light on how affected users can track down and help
> to fix the underlying problems here, if possible?
> What could users try, and which data could they provide?
> Obviously I'd love to avoid ending up with the same situation (and
> "lively" Village Pump discussions) again tomorrow when deploying wmf5 to
> all other Wikipedias.
> andre
> --
> Andre Klapper | Wikimedia Bugwrangler
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