Ori Livneh wrote:
>When the path forward is blocked, let the matter drop for a while and
>turn your attention to something else. Come back to it with a fresh and
>open mind. That is how you win: not with overwhelming firepower, but with
>lots of patience and a light touch. Having a sense of humor helps, too.

Amen. :-)

When I look at the people who manage to stay around for a long time,
they're the ones who are capable of assuming good faith and occasionally
walking away when things get heated. Wiki diplomacy happens at about the
same rate as non-wiki diplomacy, I've found. Sometimes you have to be a
little bit more non-profit and a little bit less tech. ;-)

Congrats on your first MediaWiki developer birthday! To many more
birthdays in the years to come.


P.S. mailman: there's a non-ASCII character in the subject line. Attack!

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