Erik Moeller wrote:
>I'd like to start a broader conversation about language support in MW
>core [...]

Mailing lists are good for conversation, but a lot of your e-mail was
insightful notes that I want to make sure don't get lost. I hope you'll
eventually put together an RFC (<>) or


>I'll stop there - I'm sure you can think of other issues with the
>current approach. For third party users, the effort of replicating
>something like the semi-acceptable Commons or Meta user experience is
>pretty significant, as well, due to the large number of templates and
>local hacks employed.

Well, for Commons, clearly the answer is for everyone to write in glyphs.
Wingdings, Webdings, that fancy new color Unicode that Apple has.
Meta-Wiki, on the other hand, now that's a real problem. ;-)

>Would it make sense to add a language property to pages, so it can be
>used to solve a lot of the above issues, and provide appropriate and
>consistent user experience built on them? (Keeping in mind that some
>pages would be multilingual and would need to be identified as such.)
>If so, this seems like a major architectural undertaking that should
>only be taken on as a partnership between domain experts (site and
>platform architecture, language engineering, Visual Editor/Parsoid,

I'm not sure I'd call what you're proposing a major architectural
undertaking, though perhaps I'm defining a much narrower problem scope.
Below is my take on where we are currently and where we should head with
regard to page properties.

We need better page properties (metadata) support. A few years ago, a
page_props table was added to MediaWiki:


Within the past year, MediaWiki core has seen the info action resuscitated
and Special:PagesWithProp implemented:


That is, a lot of the infrastructure needed to support a basic language
property field already exists, in my mind.

However, where we currently fall short is providing a reasonable interface
for adding or modifying page properties. Currently, we use the page text
to set nearly any property, via magic words (e.g., __NEWSECTIONLINK__ or
{{DISPLAYTITLE:}}). The obvious advantage to doing this is the
accountability, transparency, and reversibility of using the same system
that edits rely on (text table, revision table). The obvious disadvantage
is that the input system is a giant textarea.

If we could design a sane interface for modifying page properties (such as
display title and a default category sort key) that included logging and
accountability and reversibility, adding page content language as an
additional page property would be pretty trivial. (MediaWiki could even do
neat tricks like take a hint from either the user interface language of
the page creator or examine the page contents themselves to make an
educated guess about the page content language.) And as a fallback, I
believe every site already defines a site-wide content language (even
Meta-Wiki and Commons). The info action can then report this information
on a per-page basis and Special:PagesWithProp can allow lookups by page
property (i.e., by page content language).


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