I've already tried both using page properties to store page content
language and modifying ContentHandler::getPageLanguage()[1]. In both
cases parser worked in a different language scope and didn't process
magic words written in a default wiki language (e.g. Russian
[[Категория:Test]] wouldn't work on a German page; English had to be
used in both pages). It's OK for a wiki with the English language as
default, but if such multi-lingual wiki worked for years with German
on board, and then you implement the above said, all pages in other
languages wouldn't be parsed properly.

I couldn't achieve page content manipulations at the time of parsing
(by means of magic words). It may be either me being one-eyed or the
current parser design.

P.S. In page properties, I had to set the page properties through the
command line. You have to make an Action^WSpecial Page for that. Also,
it will need some sort of restriction policy to prevent vandalism.

[1] By determining the postfix (/en, /ru, /zh, etc.)

On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 8:00 AM, MZMcBride <z...@mzmcbride.com> wrote:
> Erik Moeller wrote:
>>I'd like to start a broader conversation about language support in MW
>>core [...]
> Mailing lists are good for conversation, but a lot of your e-mail was
> insightful notes that I want to make sure don't get lost. I hope you'll
> eventually put together an RFC (<https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/RFC>) or
> equivalent.
> [...]
>>I'll stop there - I'm sure you can think of other issues with the
>>current approach. For third party users, the effort of replicating
>>something like the semi-acceptable Commons or Meta user experience is
>>pretty significant, as well, due to the large number of templates and
>>local hacks employed.
> Well, for Commons, clearly the answer is for everyone to write in glyphs.
> Wingdings, Webdings, that fancy new color Unicode that Apple has.
> Meta-Wiki, on the other hand, now that's a real problem. ;-)
>>Would it make sense to add a language property to pages, so it can be
>>used to solve a lot of the above issues, and provide appropriate and
>>consistent user experience built on them? (Keeping in mind that some
>>pages would be multilingual and would need to be identified as such.)
>>If so, this seems like a major architectural undertaking that should
>>only be taken on as a partnership between domain experts (site and
>>platform architecture, language engineering, Visual Editor/Parsoid,
> I'm not sure I'd call what you're proposing a major architectural
> undertaking, though perhaps I'm defining a much narrower problem scope.
> Below is my take on where we are currently and where we should head with
> regard to page properties.
> We need better page properties (metadata) support. A few years ago, a
> page_props table was added to MediaWiki:
> * https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Page_props_table
> Within the past year, MediaWiki core has seen the info action resuscitated
> and Special:PagesWithProp implemented:
> * https://www.mediawiki.org/w/index.php?title=MediaWiki&action=info
> * https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:PagesWithProp
> That is, a lot of the infrastructure needed to support a basic language
> property field already exists, in my mind.
> However, where we currently fall short is providing a reasonable interface
> for adding or modifying page properties. Currently, we use the page text
> to set nearly any property, via magic words (e.g., __NEWSECTIONLINK__ or
> {{DISPLAYTITLE:}}). The obvious advantage to doing this is the
> accountability, transparency, and reversibility of using the same system
> that edits rely on (text table, revision table). The obvious disadvantage
> is that the input system is a giant textarea.
> If we could design a sane interface for modifying page properties (such as
> display title and a default category sort key) that included logging and
> accountability and reversibility, adding page content language as an
> additional page property would be pretty trivial. (MediaWiki could even do
> neat tricks like take a hint from either the user interface language of
> the page creator or examine the page contents themselves to make an
> educated guess about the page content language.) And as a fallback, I
> believe every site already defines a site-wide content language (even
> Meta-Wiki and Commons). The info action can then report this information
> on a per-page basis and Special:PagesWithProp can allow lookups by page
> property (i.e., by page content language).
> MZMcBride
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