For some work I'm doing on a project, I'm using the Pager class.

This is really good (and I've learned a lot along the way), but I would
like to use a slider (like to allow the
user to jump to different places in the paged results.

I think that to do this right I need to find the total number of results
and then tell Pager to serve the results that are associated with that
selected spot on the slider.

For example, when the user selects a point 25% along the slider, I'll be
able to find out there are 1024 results and jump to the set containing
the 256th result.

For other pager tasks, I've been using the IndexPager, but this pager is
obviously the wrong one for this job.

Is there a better one?  Is there a pager-with-slider implementation out
there already that I'm just not aware of?


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     -- "Everywhere Present", Stephen Freeman

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