On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 4:14 PM, Tim Starling <tstarl...@wikimedia.org>wrote:

> On 29/07/13 16:09, Chad wrote:
> > I've always been in favor of getting rid of voting entirely since
> developers
> > don't use it for judging anything. Tried to once before, but people seem
> to
> > like using it for bookmarking or somesuch and I didn't feel like fighting
> > about it.
> I appreciate having votes on bugs, as a measure of the popularity of a
> feature request. The Score extension would never have been implemented
> and deployed if it wasn't for voting.
> Maybe no developer other than me ever looks at vote counts, but maybe
> other developers should start. WMF team priorities tend to be set
> based on the opinions of a very small number of people. Sometimes it's
> nice to know what users actually want most, rather than just what some
> WMF staff member thinks they might like.

If we want to start using it I'm not inherently opposed to the idea. I
just don't like the status quo where people think it means something
when it (mostly) doesn't.

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