Thanks Brad,

I'm wondering if it wouldn't make sense to have a dedicated bugday at
the end of the sprint?


2013/11/13 Brad Jorsch (Anomie) <>:
> Note these are my own thoughts and not anything representative of the team.
> On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 6:55 AM, Strainu <> wrote:
>> b. If the robots should _not_ be credited, how do we detect them?
>> Ideally, there should be an automatical way to do so, but according to
>>, it only works for recent changes.
>> Less ideally, only users with "bot" at the end should be removed, in
>> order to keep users like
>> (which is
>> not a robot, but has "bot" in the name) in the contributor list.
> Another way to exclude (most) bots would be to skip any user with the
> "bot" user right. Note though that this would still include edits by
> unflagged bots, or by bots that have since been decommissioned and the
> bot flag removed.
> Personally, though, I do agree that excluding any user with "bot" in
> the name (or even with a name ending in "bot") is a bad idea even if
> just applied to enwiki, and worse when applied to other wikis that may
> have different naming conventions.
>> . The idea is to decide if and how to credit:
>> a. vandals
>> b. reverters
>> c. contributors which had their valid contributions rephrased or
>> replaced from the article.
>> d. contributors with valid contributions but invalid names
> The hard part there is detecting these, particularly case (c). And
> even then, the article may still be based on the original work in a
> copyright sense even if no single word of the original edit remains.
> Then there's also the situation where A makes an edit that is
> partially useful and partially bad, B reverts, then C comes along and
> incorporates parts of C's edit.
> --
> Brad Jorsch (Anomie)
> Software Engineer
> Wikimedia Foundation
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