Le Thu, 05 Dec 2013 19:08:15 +0100, Bartosz Dziewoński <matma....@gmail.com> a écrit:
The sites are updated weekly, sometimes with additional deployments inbetween the scheduled ones. Constant sitenotice would be a bad idea.

I suggest you subscribe to https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Tech/News , which is an also weekly newsletter summarising new features and important fixed bugs every week, as well as providing links to the detailed change logs.

As a (self-appointed) wikitech-ambassador, I post sometimes messages about new features on the frwiki village pump (after checking if it was not already announced), but I don’t see why posting all deployments (there are many by week from the various teams): users will not read them if there are too much, and it would become a heavy load for ambassadors.

@Alex Brollo: do you have some specific example/situation in mind behind your general question?

~ Seb35

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