On 2014-01-13 6:17 AM, Pavel Astakhov wrote:
>> ... Lua VM also was a bit faster than both PHP and Python some year ago.
> I know this, but If we rewrite MediaWiki in LUA, it will not work faster.
Actually, not to nitpick... ok, no, yeah I'm going to nitpick.
Rewriting MediaWiki in any well accepted programming language besides
PHP would have an extremely good chance of making it faster (well
perhaps with the exception of our parser).
I probably wouldn't pick Lua specifically as a target for rewriting, I'd
probably Python or Node.js, bonus points if you use a flavor of Python
that works async like gevent, Twisted, Tornado, etc...

We've spent a pile of development time on autoloading, message caching,
etc... but no mater what we do there is ultimately a cost to re-doing
the exact same setup of the environment over and over on every page view
even if the step of compiling a PHP script is optimized. And frankly
this may even hold true with HipHop.
PHP is the ONLY programming language I am aware of that inescapably
forces you to be stuck with this. Every other language has some server
that will handle requests with a callback instead of globals and a full
CGI style isolated script execution and will re-use the same
pre-initialized environment over and over. And some will even do this
async allowing the same pre-initialized environment to not only be
re-used but used to simultaneously handle multiple requests from the
same environment.

~Daniel Friesen (Dantman, Nadir-Seen-Fire) [http://danielfriesen.name/]

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