> Good point. Ideally, what we would need to do is provide the right tools to
> developers to create services, which can then be placed "strategically"
> around DCs (in cooperation with Ops, ofc).

Yes. As an organization we should provide good tools that allow
developers to create services. I do fail to understand the
"strategically" around DCs part though.

> For v1, however, we plan to
> provide only logical separation (to a certain extent) via modules which can
> be dynamically loaded/unloaded from RESTBase.

modules ? Care to explain a bit more ? AFAIK RESTBase is a revision
storage service and to be honest I am fighting to understand what
modules you are referring to and the architecture behind those

> In return, RESTBase will
> provide them with routing, monitoring, caching and authorisation out of the
> box. The good point here is that this 'modularisation' eases the transition
> to a more-decomposed orchestration SOA model. Going in that direction,
> however, requires some prerequisites to be fulfilled, such as [1].

While revision caching can very well be done by RESTBase (AFAIK, that
is one reason it is being created for), authorization (It's not
revision authorization, but generic authentication/authorization I am
referring to) and monitoring should not be provided by RESTBase to any
service. Especially monitoring. Services (whatever their nature)
should provide discoverable (REST if you like, as I suspect you do)
endpoints that allow monitoring via third party tools and not depend
on an another service for that. My take is that there should be a
swagger manifest that describes a basic monitoring framework and
services should each independently implement it (including RESTBase)

I am also a bit unclear on the routing aspect. Care to point out an up
to date architectural diagram ? I have been told in person that the
one https://www.npmjs.com/package/restbase is not up to date so I
can't comment on that.

Alexandros Kosiaris <akosia...@wikimedia.org>

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