Hi Florian,

There are times when I want to use constants for readability without using
raw strings. The namespace example could be arguable - perhaps it's better
to let an experienced MediaWiki administrator choose a different namespace
to avoid collisions if necessary, although on the flip side we may not want
an inexperienced admin accidentally setting NS_COMMENTSTREAMS to 0. But for
options that the user chooses from. I'd rather have the user set a variable
in LocalSettings.php like:


Rather than something like either of these:

$wgFakeChoice = 0;
$wgFakeChoice = "expanded";

Does that make sense?

Thanks for pointing out that extension.json actually does (silently)
support constants. Is there a reason it's not documented?

Jason Ji

On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 2:10 AM, Florian Schmidt <
florian.schmidt.wel...@t-online.de> wrote:

> Hi again :)
> > new extension registration doesn't support PHP constants
> That's not entirely correct ;) Extension Registration supports
> constants[1], even if it's not documented[2]. But you should really try to
> avoid such hacks. For your case: Why do you don't use a configuration
> variable, if you want, that a user has the ability to configure something
> in/for your extension? So instead of the constant NS_COMMENTSTREAMS you
> could add a configuration variable $wgCommenStreamsNS which defaults to
> 1000.
> [1]
> https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki/blob/REL1_25/includes/registration/ExtensionRegistry.php#L235-L237
> [2]
> https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki/blob/master/docs/extension.schema.json
> Best
> Florian
> -----Original-Nachricht-----
> Betreff: [Wikitech-l] MW 1.25 extension registration - PHP constants redux
> Datum: Mon, 02 Nov 2015 23:41:01 +0100
> Von: Jason Ji &lt;jason.y...@gmail.com&gt;
> An: Wikimedia developers &lt;wikitech-l@lists.wikimedia.org&gt;
> Hi all,
> Sorry to be spamming this list due to my own incompetence. I'm basically
> doing an upgrade-a-thon of our various extensions to the new extension
> format, and therefore running into issues as I go.
> In a previous email I discussed a problem I was having with the fact that
> the new extension registration doesn't support PHP constants, which I was
> using for explicit dependencies. Now I'm working on upgrading another
> extension where I use PHP constants to allow users to configure options for
> my extension.
> My extension is called CommentStreams. In the old registration approach,
> inside of CommentStreams.php, I had three constants defined:
> define('NS_COMMENTSTREAMS', 1000);
> define('CS_COMMENTS_EXPANDED', 0);
> NS_COMMENTSTREAMS is a custom namespace I define using the
> CanonicalNamespaces hook, but I wanted to expose this variable through a
> PHP constant so users could configure the extension in LocalSettings.php,
> for example for use with $wgNamespacesToBeSearchedDefault:
> $wgNamespacesToBeSearchedDefault[NS_COMENTSTREAMS] = true;
> (Of course I could just require the user of my extension to define
> NS_COMMENTSTREAMS in their own LocalSettings.php, but I wanted to
> encapsulate it in the extension so they wouldn't have to worry about it.)
> The story with CS_COMMENTS_EXPANDED and CS_COMMENTS_COLLAPSED is similar -
> internally defined constants that I wanted to expose for users to be able
> to use to configure things in LocalSettings.php.
> With the new extension registration, I tried to put these constant
> definitions inside of the custom registration
> /
> www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Extension_registration#Customizing_registration
> >
> callback function, hoping that this callback would be called before the
> rest of LocalSettings.php is parsed, so the usage could remain something
> like this:
> wfLoadExtension('CommentStreams');
> $wgNamespacesToBeSearchedDefault[NS_COMMENTSTREAMS] = true;
> // other configuration with CS_COMMENTS_EXPANDED or CS_COMMENTS_COLLAPSED
> However, that doesn't seem to be the case - I get warnings of defined
> constants all over the place, breaking my functionality.
> Is there a way around this? Alternatively, if this is bad coding practice
> (I do not profess to be well versed in good PHP convention, and I'm still
> learning good MediaWiki convention), is there a better way to handle this?
> Thanks for the assistance!
> --
> Jason Ji
> jason.y...@gmail.com
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