For some time now I've thought that possibilities for data visualization in
Wikipedia (or in MediaWiki) are pretty bad. So I'll describe one idea below
and would like to get some feedback. Reason is simple: I'd like to give
this task to one university student so that he could solve that issue.

What I'd like to see is some development, that would make it possible for
user to create visualizations inside MediaWiki. Something so easy that a
child could do that. Like this <>. Workflow example: 1)
user selects sth like Create Data Visualization, 2) has some selections
about cart type, colors, etc, 3) place to write down text (title, axes,
description) and 4) a table to fill in with data (values + their text
labels). That could then be saved as one revision. After that every other
user could edit this graph with the same selections and data tables just
like users edit articles and edit history is saved and easy to compare.

Image files like thi
<>s or that
<> are
ridiculous and fixes like that
<> are not that flexible,
pretty and easy to use as what we need. So lets move forward. There are
plenty of GPL licensed solutions that could be integrated with MediaWiki.
But I can't be only one thinking about this. So what should I know about
that topic so that this work could really be useful? I.e. how to avoid
reinventing the wheel (like building something already in development) and
how to be sure that it could be easily incorporated later? Who would be the
perfect people to talk about this topic?

Also: are there some very specific tasks within this data visualization
topic that suite well as a research project(s) for an IT student(s)?

Ivo Kruusamägi

P.S: I also have some development plans for a web platform that will help
to gamify organizing media files in Wikimedia Commons (coordinates,
categories, descriptions, quality assessment, etc). Sort like adding an
additional data layer and when everything works fine then migrating that
information into Commons. Any great ideas there as well? (not so great
ideas could be sent to list :P )

P.S 2: There is this feedback platform named WikiComment
<>. Some testing is need by wikipedians :)
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