2016-10-21 16:08 GMT+03:00 Marielle Volz <mv...@wikimedia.org>:
> You can add multiple e-mails both to gerrit [0] and github [1]. As long as
> the e-mail address you are making commits with is added to both accounts,
> you can likely use your preexisting software directly on the mirrored
> github repos[2]. For example, my contributions to the citoid repo, all of
> which were made on gerrit, are also automatically* associated with my
> github account [3]. You could add a throwaway email to both both gerrit and
> github and set this as your git email [4] and then your e-mail will not be
> publicly exposed anywhere.

Hi Marielle,

Thank you for your response, it was really informative. Your solution
seems basically equivalent to skipping gerrit entirely, right? The big
downside of that is that we can't evaluate changes that were not
merged. We also can't score the commit based on parameters from the
review (such as how many versions were uploaded, etc.)


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