re: >  "aphlict" service had been disabled on Phabricator because it
caused stability issues.

I am happy to announce that aphlict, the notification service for
Phabricator using websockets, is now finally back again.

If you allow it in your Phabricator settings you should get realtime
pop-up notifications again (or for the first time ever if you are

Also when tasks are moved around on workboards you should see that
again without having to reload the page.

In your Phabricator Settings -> Applications -> Notifications you can
choose from "Web Only", "Desktop Only, "Web and Desktop" or "No
Notifications".  Up to you which you like most.

--- snip --- some technical details follow if you care ---

aphlict is now running on a dedicated VM just that is separate from
the main Phabricator server, called aphlict1001.eqiad.wmnet. It is
running on Debian buster with nodejs 10.

We are not using Apache with "mod_proxy_wstunnel" any longer which
caused the original instability and even
if it was still unstable it would not affect the main Phabricator
anymore as it did in the past.

Also our caching servers (ATS/Varnish) now speak TLS to an envoy-proxy
on the dedicated backend which then proxies to the aphlict service
locally. So traffic is encrypted also behind the caching layer and no
more httpd is involved.

The flow is now:

user client -> wss:// (ATS) ->
ws://<local>:3120 (Varnish) -> wss://aphlict.discovery.wmnet (Envoy)
-> (local) nodejs:22280
and  separately  phab1001 ->  aphlict1001:22281

This resolved

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