> Patrik Stridvall <psÉleissner.se> writes:
> > What is your definition of a bug fix?
> There is no strict definition. As you remarked, in this project just
> about anything (even address space separation...) can be considered a

I wouldn't really go that far, but you have a point.

> bug fix. It's more a subjective measure of how a given change risks
> breaking something else. For instance, once we get close to 1.0, any
> patch that doesn't fit on a single screen will be looked at with
> extreme suspicion.

> > Agreed. But exactly how should we maintain the stable version?
> > There are serveral possibillities as I and Ove briefly discussed
> > and in addition we could treat the core dlls and the non-core dlls
> > diffrently.
> The stable version is maintained as a CVS branch, where only bug fixes
> are accepted. Once enough changes have been committed we can make
> 1.0.1, 1.0.2 etc. releases while development continues on the 1.1
> (main) branch.

> I'm not sure what you mean about core/non-core dlls; all dlls will be
> part of the same release process (i.e. stabilized at the same time),
> though of course changes to non-core dlls have a better chance of
> being accepted in the stable release, simply because they can break
> less things.

What I mean is that we can choose the above mentioned solution for
the core dlls, but we could be more "aggressive" with the non-core
dlls. We do not maintain a stable and an unstable branch like for the
core dlls, we have one main branch and several release branches instead.

All patches go into the main branch, then with appropriate time
(1 month perhaps) between we create a _new_ release branch,
this branch is heavily tested for some time (a week perhaps) but
only _reported_ bugs and _serious_ potential bugs are fixed.

Further more everbody that is qualified may apply patches to
the release branch directly, which speeds up the testing.

Repeat the procedure for each release. This means that we can
get non-core dlls releases out much more often.

We could even have separate releases for each non-core dll if
we so wishes.

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