On Fri, Sep 15, 2000 at 08:41:37PM -0400, Douglas J. Hunley wrote:
> James Juran wrote:
> > 
> > But a manually edited FAQ requires rather constant (or at least
> > consistent) attention, which it is not receiving now.  Unless someone is
> > willing to be a more regular FAQ editor than the current WineHQ
> > maintenance staff (of which I'm a member, so I'm not bashing them at all
> > :-)), a FAQ-O-MATIC has a much better chance of being up-to-date.
> > 
> > A potential compromise would be to have a manually-edited section and a
> > FAQ-O-MATIC section, with good content occasionally pulled from the
> > world-updatable section into the "official" section.
> what kind of qualifications would make a good human faq editor? I'm not
> a programmer, but I'd like to do something for this project...
Hey, that's exactly what I've been searching for ! ;-))

I think the only qualifications are:
- listening to the newsgroup and to the IRC channel
- remembering all frequently asked questions and trying to write them down
  in a rather clear way

Andreas Mohr

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