Andreas Mohr wrote:
On Thu, Jan 23, 2003 at 11:42:31PM -0500, Tom Wickline wrote:


Update the Sample config
IMHO this doesn't even have *any* business in the Packaging Guide.
The guide should simply contain a pointer to the REAL sample config file,
otherwise this exactly leads to the permanent updating mess which you
just demonstrated ;-)

I am aware of this...
There was a Sample win.ini at the end of this list and I moved it
here. Now it is the Sample config file.... And put a Sample RH .spec in its place.

I looked at the config sample and it gets updated about once a month on average
but im trying to fill holes. =

I'm not saying this is the best approach but at least it is upto date!
And when _you_ or anyone else has time we can tweak it ;-)

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