[Winona Online Democracy]

Mr Voegli,
   Good question.. I would like to think I am a bit or both Mop and Faucet 
centric. I can however tell you this, I am extremely familiar with Maricopa 
County property taxes and I certainly feel I have wasted enough time and $$$ on 
the "mop" side of this issue. 
   Us Midwesterners/northerners have a somewhat myopic view on this subject, I 
guarantee if the residents of Winona county were feeling a direct hit on their 
property taxes( year after year) due to increased law enforcement costs and 
county medical costs, the somewhat feel good/let 'em all in attitude which 
sometimes peeks its head here would disappear real quick. Winonans have it 
lucky, it really isn't hitting their pocketbooks like it is the residents of 
border states. 
   Here's what I believe,( hit the sappy patriotic music now) I believe anyone 
who wants to come to this country to make a better existence for themselves and 
or their family should come on over. I want them to do ONE thing before they 
step foot in the USA....sign in on the guest book...it's not too much to ask, 
no other non-third world country on the planet (the EU even requires you to 
show SOMETHING as you travel from country to country) allows their borders to 
be breached as we do on our southwest border. Cubans have a harder time getting 
access and they are actually fleeing a real life oppressive dictator..we send 
them right back if they don't hit the beach! 
   Is it really too much to ask that people entering our country at least 
acknowledge to us who they are? By requiring this basic tenet of travel am I 
automatically a xenophobic racist?
  Here's another point to ponder, IF you were a refugee/illegal 
immigrant(non-Mexican) would you NOT feel discriminated upon if you were turned 
down at the border? What about all the Mexican immigrants who the govt turns a 
blind eye to? What about the NON Mexicans who are being discriminated upon by 
our Govts pick and choose immigration enforcement? I know this seems like a far 
stretch but it IS a reality we all should take a harder look at.
  What about Mexico? I hear and read strong rhetoric coming from their 
government and immigrant spokespeople, however, has anyone stopped to take a 
look at what Mexico does to its illegal immigrants? It isn't pretty and it by 
no means mimics the current US stand on illegal immigration...You don't want to 
be a Guatemalan/Salvadoran/etc caught illegally in Mexico...they aren't so 
accommodating with them as they would have you believe.
  I believe, as I stated earlier, we, as a country, no matter what your skin 
color or ethnicity, need to sit down and come up with SOLUTIONS to how we can 
fix this problem. Some of those problems are on this side of the border and 
some are on the south side. Both sets of problems need to be addressed and 
handled very soon. If we keep letting this border be as porous as it currently 
is we will certainly pay for it a hundredfold in the future. This isnt the time 
to point fingers or try to ly blame, it is time to put political leanings 
aside, admit WE have a problem, and get to the business of hammering out a 
solution that works for everyone.
  c.e. woodford


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