"Alan S. Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> I have been watching some of the WinPcap 3.1 beta development along with
> NMap development.  At one point I ran into some problems with NMap after I
> upgraded to WinPcap 3.1 beta.  Not figuring anything else out till I ran
> across some comments that made me downgrade to WinPcap 3.0 and things
> seemed to work fine.
> My impression from reading the WinPcap list was that programs should not
> need to make any changes to work between WinPcap 3.0 and 3.1.

That was surely the intention of the WinPcap developers, but practice and
"implicit" rules like ASCII naming are used only on Win-9x and Unicode on
Win-NT was broken in the 3.1 update. Many programs (including nmap)
makes this assumption. Not really surprising since many of the WinPcap
examples does the same thing

So instead of breaking this rule, our Italian friends should IMHO have created
a new function that returns ASCII on Win-NT+ and a backward compatible function
that returns Unicode on Win-NT+. Kind of messy, but ...

> This is the URL of the start of a thread in the NMap group about a fix to
> get 3.1 to work:
> http://seclists.org/lists/nmap-dev/2004/Jan-Mar/0077.html

Sounds familiar since I wrote that :) But isn't there an updated binary of nmap
you can use? Or compile it yourself?

BTW. There are other problems with pcap_open_live() in 3.1; If you
pass a device on a machine with >= 2 devices (in my case the RealTek 
eth adapter and the IPv6 pseudo tunnelling device), the PacketOpenAdapter() 
will fail since (OTOH) the list of *all* devices hasn't been found at that point 
(since PacketGetAdapterNames() and  PacketPopulateAdaptersInfoList()
hasn't been called).

An easy fix is to do "(void) pcap_lookupdev(errbuf)" (or pcap_findalldevs*()) 
before pcap_open_live() on the device you want to use.


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