
> On Sun, Apr 18, 2004 at 02:43:05PM -0500, Alan S. Jones wrote:
> > My impression from reading the WinPcap list was that programs should not
> > need to make any changes to work between WinPcap 3.0 and 3.1.
> Applications using the raw packet-dll API *do* have to change:
> "PacketGetAdapterNames() now returns the names of the adapter in ASCII
> rather than in Unicode.  Since the main purpose of
> PacketGetAdapterNames() is feeding data to pcap_findalldevs() and since
> pcap_findalldevs() needs ASCII names, the new PacketGetAdapterNames()
> avoids a conversion in wpcap.dll and uniforms the data format with the
> one of Windows 9x (this potentially simplifies the code of the
> applications).  As a consequence of this modification, old applications
> won't work properly with the new PacketGetAdapteNames() on
> NT/2k/XP/2k3."
> That difference probably was directly exposed by "pcap_lookupdev()", so
> that it returned names in ASCII as well.

>From CVS, file inet.c:

Revision : 1.57
Date : 2003/9/22 11:51:37
Author : 'risso'
State : 'Exp'
Lines : +61 -33
Description : pcap_lookupdev() converts the adapter list to unicode for

In other words, wpcap.dll is completely compatible with the past. I (and
Gianluca) took maximum care about this.


> > Is this a bug in WinPcap?
> I'm not sure I'd call it one.  It'd depend on how the WinPcap developers
> said you *should* enumerate devices; if they recommended doing it, for
> example, the way Ethereal does - it fetches the names with
> "pcap_lookupdev()", and checks whether the first 2 bytes of the returned
> string, treated as a 16-bit Unicode character, is < 256 or not, and:
> if it is, the strings are assumed to be Unicode strings;
> if it isn't, the strings are assumed to be ASCII strings
> and did *not* recommend assuming that on Windows OT (95, 98, Me) they're
> ASCII and on Windows NT (NT 4.0, W2K, WXP, W2K3) they're Unicode, then
> it's probably not a bug, as Ethereal-style code should continue to work
> with 3.1.
> However, note that Ethereal also does something else:
> if libpcap/WinPcap has "pcap_findalldevs()", it uses that rather
> than SIOCGIFLIST on UN*X or "pcap_lookupdev()" on Windows;
> and I'd recommend that other applications do so as well.  (Yes, Ethereal
> *does* make that determination at run time on Windows - it does a
> "g_module_open()" on "wpcap" (which calls "LoadLibrary()" on
> "wpcap.dll") and:
> if that fails, doesn't support packet capture;
> if that succeeds, looks up various symbols in WinPcap and calls
> the relevant routines through the pointers it gets, if they're
> present.  That was originally done so we could build one version of
> Ethereal rather than a with-WinPcap and a without-WinPcap version, so it
> adapts to whatever you have installed, but it also means we can use APIs
> present in some but not all versions of WinPcap, if present, and not use
> them if not present.  I think that's a fairly common technique in
> Windowsland; I used it on Linux in Ethereal for a while, thanks to some
> annoying SNMP library problems.)
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