Sorry if this type of question has been asked before...but here goes.
We have written a audio recording package, using winpcap 3.0, the basic source is 

        if ((res = pcap_next_ex(adhandle_, &header, &pkt_data)) <= 0)
        //Winpcap error
        case 0:
            if (timeout_counter == 0)
                LOG_0("WinIpCapture::Capture, pcap_next_ex, timeout");
        case -1:
            LOG_0("WinIpCapture::Capture, pcap_next_ex, error occurred");
        case -2:
            LOG_0("WinIpCapture::Capture, pcap_next_ex, EOF was reached reading from 
an offline capture");
        //Log that we got a udp packet
        if (log_counter == 0)
            LOG_0("WinIpCapture::Capture, processing raw packet");
          //Do stuff with the packet.....

The opening of the adapter is a copy and paste of the examples in the documentation.
This application ran for months in house, when it was put on a client site the 
application does not last more than a couple of days.
At first I thought it could be hardware related, so we put the original machine out on 
site, same behavior.
It does not seem to be stress related, as it the application can last anywhere from a 
couple of hours to a couple of days.
>From what I can see in the application log, the call from pcap_next_ex never returns. 
>No exceptions are thrown by the packet processing code.

Can anybody suggest where to start looking?, has anybody seen similar behavior?

Thank you in advance.


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