
Currently I just configure the radio mode (.11 a/b/g) and the channel
number and my adapter starts writing the packets into the binary file.
Now, in order to be able to monitor in real-time what kind of packets
I am capturing, I would like to interface it with ethereal/WinPcap.

If somehow I could call the winPcap functions whenever I receive a
packet at the driver level and use the winPcap as an interface to
communicate with ethereal my problem should be solved. The application
is supposed to run in a dedicated machine so I do not care much about
the ndis functionality of windows and establishing a network.

I am at a fix about how to go about doing it. How does one integrate
the WinPcap into our driver. Since the sole intention is to do
sniffing (Rx only) and capture the radio information and the .11
packets, I do not mind if I have to bypass Ndis and establishing a
network connection.

On 4/15/05, Guy Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Pegasus wrote:
> > The problems I am facing are:
> > 1)  How do I transfer the rf information to ethereal (WinPcap seems to
> > be converting wireless packet to fake Ethernet packets do not have
> > those fields)
> No.  It's not WinPcap that's doing with that.
> If you capture with Ethereal - or WinDump, or Analyzer, or... - on an
> 802.11 interface on Windows, the 802.11 adapter, or the driver for the
> adapter, converts the 802.11 header to an Ethernet header, as that's
> what 802.11 miniport NDIS drivers are expected to do:
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/network/hh/network/213_802.11_f36ba76d-a4ea-4d78-ae03-0517b31a2c6a.xml.asp
> "In addition, packets sent to or received from the driver must be in
> 802.3 format. The driver translates the 802.3 media access control (MAC)
> header of outgoing packets to the appropriate 802.11 MAC header before
> passing the packets to the underlying network interface card (NIC).
> Similarly, the driver translates the 802.11 MAC header of incoming
> packets to the appropriate 802.3 MAC header before indicating the
> packets to the NDIS layer."
> > I would like to capture in etheral the following fields :
> > Signal, channel, rate, noise, actual time of getting aired and not the
> > time at which it reaches the windows.
> In order to do that, you will have to supply the packet to WinPcap by
> some other mechanism than NDIS, which is how WinPcap expects to receive
> packets.
> > 2)  In what format does my card/driver dump packets to the winpcap and
> > how does it inform at packet arrival?
> It happens through NDIS.  In order to do what you want, WinPcap would
> have to be modified to receive packets from your driver via some
> mechanism other than NDIS.
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