Guy Harris wrote:
Ben Greear wrote:

Right, but I _also_ need to select on other tcp sockets. It seems there is
nothing in Windows that will select/wait on both at the same time.

Does Windows - or, at least, the NT versions of same (NT 4.0, W2K, WXP, WServer2K3, etc.) - support any call that returns a HANDLE for a socket, so that you can wait for socket I/O in a WaitFor call?

Not that I could find...but I'm not exactly a windows expert. The only suggestion I found was to create a thread that did the select(), and then use the WaitFor logic to wait on that thread and the HANDLEs.

Yes, I have always compiled against it. I am wondering though: Should I link against
different libpacket.a files when compiling for different windows targets?

Is there any need to link against libpacket.a (or did you mean packet.lib, this being Windows?) at all?

The dev kit has a libpacket.a, which matches the naming scheme of other things that mingw links. I'm also sending packets, and that seems to require linking libpacket or I get un-defined symbol errors.


Candela Technologies Inc

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