I don't feel there is anything lacking in Cisco's product, but there are still 
rough edges that need a little work. That said, Cisco made a big leap in the 
6.0 code, and it appears that 7.0 will improve on it.

I just made the leap from the older 4404's to the 5508's, and boy are those new 
controllers fast. With AP software pre-load, it reduces a controller and AP 
software update to about a 3-5 minute outage. On the older 4404's (and WiSM), 
it was a painful experience. 

Here are a few minor quirks, but nothing earth shattering.
WLC = on-controller manager
WCS = multi-controller management software

1) WCS/WLC consistency - When dealing with settings, I've noticed that some 
setting on the WLC are in different locations, or in different order, within a 
WCS template. I'd like to see the two be more consistent.

2) WCS/WLC missing settings. In a couple of cases a setting, say "DCA Channel 
Sensitivity" in RRM, only exists on the WLC.

3)WCS - column sorting in monitor screens - For some odd reason, there are 
columns that aren't sortable. For example, while client MAC address is, Vendor 
Name, session length, association time, etc. is not. This has improved in 6.0 
(more are sortable), but not all.


>>> Mike King <m...@mpking.com> 4/23/2010 9:34 AM >>>
I was asked this today, and I didn't have a good answer, looking from other 
Cisco Wireless Controller users to help me formulate a good response.

What features do you find lacking in the wireless LAN controller that are 
available in other products?

What is a major source of discontent with the product.

What feature do you wish the product has

I know I have one major source of discontent, the separate mesh releases (which 
have finally be re-intergrated in the 6.0 release)

What have you guys got?
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