We're about to (it's on order), the main reason being due to our WCS
running on an antiquated WLSE appliance and therefore being ridiculously
slow when searching client history etc. We do a lot of this, and can
take 10 mins when busy.

I've had a bit of a play with an NCS demo we installed and it is far
slicker, and is also effectively free to upgrade as existing WCS
licences can be migrated for free.

So my take on it is that for little money (effectively the cost of the
25 licences you get bundled with the upgrade) I get pretty a GUI with
much better search feature.


We had a little look at the wired features of NCS and to be honest were
disappointed, I was hoping it would be able to configure switches in a
similar way it does WLC's.  It's unlikely that we will be importing any
switches into it.


The big concern is that the licence price is approaching double that of
WCS licences should you need to buy more as your network expands.


I'd definitely recommend downloading the VM image from Cisco, installing
it then apply for the 100 demo licence pack and having a play.







From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv
Sent: 05 October 2011 18:14
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] Cisco Wireless- WCS versus NCS


Have any WCS shops yet migrated to NCS? Any thoughts?






Lee H. Badman

Wireless/Network Engineer

Information Technology and Services

Adjunct Instructor, iSchool

Syracuse University

315 443-3003



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