On Nov 12, 2012, at 20:55, Jeff Kell <jeff-k...@utc.edu> wrote:

> On 11/12/2012 9:41 PM, Lee H Badman wrote:
>> Also... Does anyone get a bit turned off about having yet another SSID in 
>> the air, or debranding your own in favor of pushing Eduroam as your SSID? 
>> Again, just wondering. Let's task Phillipe with figuring out a way to make 
>> the Eduroam underpinnings work automagically with any SSID we choose. 
>> Can we get that by Friday?
> Ah hah... it's a battle of the Oranges :)
> If you have separate SSIDs you can get better statistics, I suppose; but
> perhaps your Radius can drop them in different buckets.  For us it was a
> combination of things, primarily having our production 1X being
> NAC-enforced and role-based (requiring an agent, and proxying Radius
> through the NAC controller), whereas the eduroam SSID is off-the-grid
> (and also locked down by the eduroam firewall recommendations).

We have separate Eduroam and local (IllinoisNet) .1x networks.  Partly because 
we had already fully deployed, documented and pushed the IllinoisNet SSID, and 
partly because we treat Eduroam differently.  Our security group didn't want 
the Eduroam SSID on the same network with all our campus users, and our Eduroam 
deployment has all the required ports open, but not any extra. That way when 
people travel to other schools, they're never disappointed by what works -- 
anything they test on Eduroam here before they leave should work anywhere.  We 
don't have a large number of Eduroam users, Champaign-Urbana is pretty much in 
the middle of no-where (unlike Chicago locations :-), but we get a small but 
somewhat regular set of happy emails from our own faculty and from visitors 
saying that they were traveling (or visiting) and Eduroam "just worked" for 
them. Since it's not a heavy support load for us, it's a nice thing to be able 
to provide.  

Additionally, we don't have a unified SSID across our campuses (each campus 
does it's own IT support), and since we already had Eduroam, the other campuses 
are doing that (have done that?) so that staff that do move between campuses 
have an easy way to do so.

> Jeff
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Debbie Fligor, n9dn       Lead Network Engineer, CITES, Univ. of Il
email: fli...@illinois.edu          
"Every keystroke can be monitored. And the computers never forget."

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