Hi Lee and others,

I have done a POC with them and because of that I am currently with them doing 
an optimization of our WLAN. I am very positive about these guys, they know 
WiFi inside out, are vendor neutral and have a hands-on, pragmatic approach.

Best Regards, Kees Pronk

Netwerk admin & engineer
Avans Hogeschool
Diensteenheid ICT en Facilitaire Dienst (DIF) - ICT-Beheer
Hogeschoollaan 1, Kamer HG204
4818 CR  Breda
Postbus 90116
4800 RA Breda
E: cl.pr...@avans.nl
T: 076-5238054

>>> Lee H Badman <lhbad...@syr.edu> 31-5-2013 21:25 >>>
Hello to the group,

I know that this has been discussed before, but I'm coming back around to it. 
I'm intrigued by 7signal.com and see attractive aspects to their approach, but 
find myself struggling with:

*       Pricing- Seems incredibly expensive

*       What's really being delivered- we are a CleanAir environment, so much 
of 7Signal would be duplicitous in function, and so far I can't tell all what 
one is delivering that the other leaves out

*       What 7Signal expects you to do to optimize- there are locations where 
APs cannot be moved, there are groups of clients that you are likely not going 
to easily pin down for driver updates, etc, and only so many system settings 
you can tweak without creating other issues

*       Deployment model- given that Eyes themselves need to be cabled, it's 
not exactly easy in all cases to deploy them and there is no radio backhaul 

All of my cynicism aside- is anyone on the list a 7signal user? Any 
testimonials or thoughts?

Thanks very much-

Lee Badman
Syracuse University

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