Not a POE/Network/Camera related story, but lightning related and therefore 
relevant. Sometimes there is nothing you can do to predetermine an electrons 
choice of a path to ground.
In my early days I worked as a broadcast engineer at a CBS Television network 
affiliate in severe thunderstorm country. We had a 500’ tower with copper 
transmission line feeding the VHF antenna. Imagine an 8” copper water line with 
a 1” copper line down the middle with Teflon spacers at about 4’ intervals. 
This tower had an intricate grounding system at the base and each of the guy 
line anchors with a very large lightning rod at the top.
Nonetheless, a magnificent storm rolled in one spring afternoon with the 
typical light and sound show accompaniment. After the rain stopped and the hair 
had settled back into place we accessed the damaged. The transmitter wouldn’t 
come back on with a shiny indicator pointing to a fault in the output.
Long story short, one of the 8” diameter ½” thick Teflon insulators was melted 
(the melting point of Teflon is somewhere south of the surface of the sun) and 
two had been turned into lovely gray dust coating the inside of the outer line.
We were down for several days cleaning up the mess, and considered ourselves 
lucky at that.

Colin Daniel
Network Systems Manager
Montana State University

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 
[mailto:WIRELESS-LAN@LISTSERV.EDUCAUSE.EDU] On Behalf Of Jeffrey D. Sessler
Sent: Friday, August 07, 2015 9:06 AM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Outdoor PoE

If one is following electrical codes/best practices, are these devices needed? 
That is, externally mounted ethernet devices such as cameras and access points 
as supposed to be using STP and not UTP cable (providing a solid path to 
ground). The camera/ap should be grounded at it’s mount point and on the PSE 
side (switch, injector, etc.), In the case of a switch, it should have a 
separate ground lug that’s tied into a ground bus-bar.

I suspect If you follow the above, these additional devices may not be 
required. And if the above isn’t being followed, it may be a good idea to chat 
with an electrical engineer just to make sure your not installing a bunch of 
potentially deadly lightning rods. :)


on behalf of Thomas Carter
Date: Friday, August 7, 2015 at 6:23 AM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Outdoor PoE

We haven’t had any problems, but we’ve used these:
with great success. They also have a punch down version as well if you want to 
mess with that. We have them mounted outside with the APs and a good copper 
ground wire.

If you haven’t looked at them, has a wide array of antennas, cabling, 
etc. No connection to them, just a happy customer.


From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 
Sent: Thursday, August 6, 2015 8:24 AM
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] Outdoor PoE

For those doing outdoor wireless, here are two products we have purchased that 
we have found very useful:

Microsemi Outdoor PoE Surge Protector 

Microsemi PowerDsine 9001GO - PoE injector - 30 Watt


Hector Rios
Louisiana State University

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