Well they have aerial footage of beautiful FSU campus on their homepage! So 
that raised some eyebrows in our group.

After asking around it came to be understood that our Office of Institutional 
Research had received a demo from them but then declined their service and 
otherwise FSU has no connection with them at all.

So Mike, with your library team having talked to them, don’t be surprised to 
see Notre Dame campus featured on their website, perhaps giving the impression 
you’re a customer….  0.o

-Paul Reimer

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 
Sent: Tuesday, January 2, 2018 9:57 AM
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] Degree Analytics?

Did anyone talk to Degree Analytics at Educause?  Or better yet, has anyone 
attempted a demo yet?  Our library seems interested in Degree Analytics and I’d 
like to have at least a little information about how the system works and what 
the requirements are before engaging a serious discussion with customers.  Our 
library says they specialize in wireless networking analytics but the website 
makes no mention of wireless.


Mike Atkins
Network Engineer
Office of Information Technology
University of Notre Dame
Phone: 574-631-7210

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