Hey everybody,
We are currently testing WPA3 in a couple of our dorms and academic buildings 
using 8.10.112 on the Cisco 8540 controller.  We started hitting bugs with the 
1815w on 8.5.140 and were encouraged to upgrade to 8.8 or 8.10 per TAC.  
Through discussions with our SE we found that 8.10 is going to be the long live 
release and decided to go that path.  We tested what we could in the office, 
and there were no issues with this.  We have been running this code since last 
year without any issues.  At some point after the semester started we started 
getting tickets for Xbox One that are on the 8.10 code level.  I know the SSID 
is functioning properly because of all the other devices that are connected 
including PS4s.  All of the Xbox owners that have complained have given the 
same error message.  Just curious if anybody else is seeing this issue.

“your security protocol will not work xbox one "Your console supports WPA/WPA2 
(personal), WPA2 (personal), and WEP network security protocols, but your 
router is using something else. You'll need to change your routers 

Jason Mallon | Network Engineer III
The University of Alabama

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