Hi Jesse

After reading your last email and me thinking about it I was starting to second 
guess myself and pulled a new 9105AX out of the box to connect it to our 9800.  
Yea, it sure doesn't enable the ports, and then I thought about it some more 
and realized that either I didn't have this issue with 1810 because their 
different in some way then the 9105AX (as their the same config syntax), or 
because I moved my 1810's from AirOS to IOS and as they where already enabled I 
didn't have to deal with it, or I was just delirious and forgot about this with 
the 1810's.  I'm leaning to a mixture of the 2nd and 3rd option.  As the more I 
think about it the more I recall seeing this in testing on the 9800 before 
migration and thinking "how dumb is this" but didn't end up having to deal with 
it as APs migrated with ports enabled.

Either way, here is something that can help you out.  I wrote a quick simple 
EEM script to look for 9105AX's Joining the controller and then enabling all 
the ports.  Probably don't want to run it all the time on your controllers and 
you can modify it as you see fit, maybe even stream line it a bit.  While I 
don't think it matters since the syslog output and commands should be the same 
this was written against 17.3.x code.

event manager applet enable-rlan-ports
 event syslog pattern "%CAPWAPAC_SMGR_TRACE_MESSAGE-5-AP_JOIN_DISJOIN:.* Joined"
 action 050 set ap_model "null"
Name: (.*),.* Joined$" "$_syslog_msg" ignore ap_name
 action 150 cli command "enable"
 action 200 cli command "show ap name $ap_name config general | i Model"
 action 250 regexp ".*(C9105AXW).*" "$_cli_result" ignore ap_model
 action 300 if $ap_model eq "C9105AXW"
 action 350  syslog msg "C9105AX Joined Setting LAN Ports to Enabled"
 action 400  cli command "ap name $ap_name lan port-id 1 enable"
 action 450  cli command "ap name $ap_name lan port-id 2 enable"
 action 500  cli command "ap name $ap_name lan port-id 3 enable"
 action 550 end


From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
Sent: Friday, December 11, 2020 8:27 AM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Cisco WLC 9800 Gotchas

Hi Eric and Nick,

I do not believe the traditional templates work for APs on the 9800 platform 
(we make heavy use of them for our AireOS hardware). I did give it a try and it 
returns a status of "Not Applicable", and the settings for the LAN ports are 
not changed. That said, the behavior we are experiencing could also be related 
to an SNMP bug between 17.3.2a and Prime. This is currently preventing us from 
using Prime to change names on these APs as well.

In Prime 3.8 there is a new section: Menu > Configuration > Cisco Catalyst 9800 
Configuration where you can create and deploy tags & profiles (matching what's 
on the WLC), but the trouble we've found is that there is no way to enable the 
LAN ports in this manner—either via Prime or directly on the WLC using 
tags/profiles. We have created an RLAN Profile and RLAN Policy to configure the 
basic settings, security, VLAN mapping, PoE, etc. and these all work as 
expected, but once this configuration is applied, the ports remain in a 
disabled state, and we've have to manually enable them on each AP. We have 
confirmed this behavior with TAC and our regional Cisco SE and are in the 
process of filing an enhancement request.

@Eric - would you be willing to share more detail on or off the list regarding 
"CSV uploads of MAC-to-AP name assignments"? If I am understanding this 
correctly, it may be something useful in our deployment workflow.



On Thu, Dec 10, 2020 at 5:36 PM Ciesinski, Nick 
<ciesi...@uww.edu<mailto:ciesi...@uww.edu>> wrote:
Are you talking about enabling the LAN ports from Prime or on the WLC itself?  
On the WLC itself the LAN ports are configured via the policy tag configuration 
in the RLAN-POLICY map section where you assign a RLAN to each port.  That 
policy tag then needs to be applied to the APs.

For applying tags I’ve personally moved away from having Prime statically 
assign APs tags like I used to do with AP groups in AirOS and instead have 
written regex rules on the WLC to automatically apply the tag based on the AP 


On Dec 10, 2020, at 11:43 AM, Jesse Thomas 
<jtho...@hamilton.edu<mailto:jtho...@hamilton.edu>> wrote:

Hi Everyone,

We are boldly moving forward with a deployment of two 9800-40s (HA pair) and 
about 400 of the new 9105AXW access points. We have encountered a couple of 
minor issues thus far and I am curious if anyone in the group has also 
experienced them and perhaps has some recommendations for workarounds.

1. Oddly, there does not appear to be a way to enable the LAN ports on the 
access points via a policy or tag within the RLAN configuration. We have 
confirmed this behavior with TAC and filed for an enhancement request. Our 
current plan is to export a list of all APs and then do a bulk configuration 
via the CLI.

2. We intend to manage this new setup via Prime Infrastructure and potentially 
move to DNAC once we retire our older equipment that is not supported on the 
new platform. However, there does not seem to be a straightforward way to apply 
existing tags/policies created on the WLC to APs within Prime, and 
documentation is sparse in this area.

Thanks for any insights you can provide on these topics.


Jesse Thomas
Network & Systems Administrator
Hamilton College

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