Hi Jason,

I’m glad things seem to be going well for your upgrade, I would never wish or 
hope that someone experienced bugs or issues.

In saying that, have you noticed any flakiness in the web UI? Dashboard not 
loading, files not visible when going to Diagnostics -> Technical Support -> 
Copy files from individual controllers? Are you able to SCP from the 
controllers using the CLI? How about rebootstrap/reboot counters for APs? Have 
the numbers been reset now that you’ve upgraded? The counters did not seem to 
reset for ours. You can check by issuing the “show ap debug counters” command 
from your controllers’ CLI.


From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
Date: Friday, December 18, 2020 at 8:50 AM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] ArubaOS or Experiences?
> We just went to from and .9 this week and I’ll be honest, 
> I’m not thrilled with it.

We just ran an update to for 3am this morning, and woke up to read 
your message as I was getting ready to check on everything... yikes!

I'm glad to report that we aren't seeing any major issues (everything came back 
up fine), but we're only a few hours into it.  We're on all 300-series APs (I 
don't have any 500s).  We have two clustered 7205s and those came back up 
without any issues in the clustering.

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