We have a few customers on (and similar) code and have seen some issues 
that sound similar to what you're describing below. One college case has been 
open for 2 months now, with the issue being some weirdness with a config that 
was applied to MM but didn't get pushed down correctly to the controllers; it 
caused a mismatch between controllers. the result has been issues ranging from 
controllers crashing every time a commit change is performed to HA failover not 
working (for obvious reasons). I believe we're in the final stages of getting 
that resolved but it's been painful. The other major issue at a healthcare 
customer has been resolved, and I think those are the only 2 major issues we've 
seen on the 8.5/8.6 so far.

TAC is unable to determine root cause and with the customers' resources limited 
and the fact that we're doing the work/assist for free, we've all agreed to 
just get it working and move on vs try to identify root cause; which is not my 
preferred choice but no one can afford the time to keep hammering at it.

As for the 'rare' bug it sounds similar to the original 8-code issue with some 
of the older 100-series; the bootrom version didn't support the upgrade code 
and they had to be dealt with differently. Once we knew what was going on the 
resolution was quick from Aruba, but it took us weeks to figure out the issue 
because even though there was a known bug, the manufacturer decided that notice 
should only be distributed internally for some reason. Somehow neither the 
field team nor TAC knew about it until we (jointly, our team with much 
help/time from the customer team) figured out what it was and sent it to 
product management to which they replied "oh yeah, we know - here's the 
(internal) bug notice).

Keith with that issue, I'll have to look back at my notes but I feel like Aruba 
was able to give us some incremental Bootrom update we could push without 
touching the APs and then do the firmware upgrade.


Jennifer Minella, CISSP, HP MASE
VP of Engineering & Security
Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc.
919.460.1313 Main Office
919.539.2726 Mobile/text

From: Miller, Keith C <keith.mil...@unc.edu>
Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2020 9:04 PM
Subject: Re: ArubaOS or Experiences?

Hi Christopher,

We just went to from and .9 this week and I'll be honest, I'm 
not thrilled with it. I've run into a handful of issues, some minor, some 
cosmetic, but we've also hit a couple of bugs that leave you scratching your 

1. 2 controllers in the same cluster ended up acting as VRRP master, even 
though communication was seemingly okay with L2 connected status across all 
controllers. One of those controllers had higher priority configured to control 
which controller should be master so I'm still unsure how this happened. I'm 
still having problems getting logs to TAC because we can't see the files from 
the web UI and SCP/TFTP fails from the CLI on the interesting controller. I'm 
going to have to have someone get in front of it and resort to copying the logs 
to USB.

2. We hit a "rare" bug that's only affected a small number of 515s worldwide 
where the AP gets stuck in a boot/image upgrade loop and you must physically 
console into the AP to fix it and boot from the upgraded partition.

I have no idea what the 8.6 train is like so I can't help you there, but buyer 
beware with 8.5. The penalties of trying to be proactive I suppose.

M: (803) 464-2397 O: (919) 962-6564

Sent from my mobile device so please excuse any typos.
From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
on behalf of Johnson, Christopher <cbjo...@ilstu.edu<mailto:cbjo...@ilstu.edu>>
Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2020 3:49:31 PM
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] ArubaOS or Experiences?

We're considering doing some pre-emptive maintenance before winter-break ends 
to resolve a couple issues, and was curious if anyone is running ArubaOS or (200/220 and 270 Series APs) and what their experiences 
have been?

Christopher Johnson
Wireless Network Engineer
Office of Technology Solutions | Illinois State University
(309) 438-8444

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