We're not having any unusual problems now, but we have in the past.  Two 
suggestions I can offer are:

  *   Search your controller syslog for "Authentication server request 
timeout".  This will tell you if the controllers are sending auth requests and 
not getting replies back.  We've had this happen when RDAIUS servers report 
being fat and happy.  Best explanation I can offer is that VMs sometimes lie.
  *   Check the controller 802.1X counters to make sure they're not throttling 
  If this does occur, it tends to happen at times of high user mobility.
Good luck.


From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
Sent: Wednesday, September 1, 2021 11:27 AM
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] Anyone else seeing any issues in the fall with large 
classrooms and delayed connection times (Aruba

This is a stab in the dark.  With the University mostly shutdown since the 
Spring of 2020 (=not operating in standard mode and most people work from 
home), we got campus upgraded from 6.X to 8.X code base.  We've also installed 
many 515 series APs.  We are getting a large number of complaints in large 
classrooms that connecting to things like eduroam takes a long time.  Looking 
into the connection, we see many incomplete RADIUS challenges.  The general 
complaints are 'we come into the classroom, and for some folks it can take up 
to 5 minutes to get connected'.  The odd thing is that our RADIUS 
infrastructure is very large, polished and load shared, and we can see no 
performance issues with any of the RADIUS servers.  We have begun reducing 
power in the large classrooms to make association issues better, but so far 
that hasn't changed much.  We anticipate opening a ticket with Aruba, soon.  We 
do seem to see the most complaints in the big classrooms.  But I do keep going 
back to the RADIUS Challenges incomplete.  I know if no reason for those not to 
complete unless the connection is broken midway.

Has anyone else seen something like this?

Ryan Turner
Head of Networking
Communication Technologies | Information Technology Services
+1 919 445 0113 (Office)
+1 919 274 7926 (Mobile)

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