
Did you respond and tell them you were not interested?


Brian Rohrbacher wrote:

I don't mind it once.  It may show me a new product.  I kindly reply and
say no thanks remove me from your list.  If I keep getting their email,
at this point I call them names and tell them I am using their email
address to sign up for all kinds of offers and they will soon get 1
million spam a day in their inbox.  If they still spam me, I find a list
or forum where they would show up and let the public know that they are
spamming jerks.

Bottom line.  Email me once.  If I respond and say not interested, don't
email me again.  When I get cold calls and they ask if they can email me
their info, I say yes, but just this once.  Never email me again.  I am
willing to look at someones product or service, but only once.  Trust
me, if I am interested, I'll call you!

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Peter R.
Sent: Monday, November 28, 2005 10:46 AM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: [WISPA] RE: SPAM and marketing

John Thomas wrote:

But because you  "cold-called" other WISPS, I won't do business with

You only get one chance to make a first impression, and for most WISPs, that means one SPAM and you are out.

Today, many, many companies use email marketing with opt-out instead of opt-in or "shared" email lists from partner companies. You don't like the unsolicited, but well targeted, email campaign. And apparently, you don't want to be cold-called. So that eliminates two of the most popular

ways for sales teams to reach you. How would you suggest they market to you?

More important: How does your sales team market?

I started as a telecom agent in 2000. I now rep for 20+ carriers plus do

business and marketing consulting. (Oh, and I help out with an ISP association, Most telecom agents have left the ISPs alone

for a few reasons. One is that is easier and more profitable to sell directly to the end-user. To YOUR customer.

I'm curious how you would want to be contacted, because without email or cold-call, that leaves direct mail and advertising. (Advertising only

works as a branding exercise).

I'm trying to get vendors for an ISP Expo in 2 weeks. Many vendors do not feel it is even worth $199 to advertise. Some feel that ISPs are not

a good market. (I'm talking about VOIP alarm companies, VOIP CPE vendors, hardware vendors).

There is a disconnect between your vendors and ISPs. I'm just wondering how to bridge that gap. (Especially since I have to sell 20 more tickets

to the Expo and get 4 more vendors :)

I welcome all input.


Peter Radizeski


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