But they leave out some details....

Such as the broadband bandwidth management that will be offered over a ADSL cheapo $50 a month service. Who wants to get crappy service and share capacity with someone, or possibly be unsecured from their neighbor. etc. You start with the Chepo circuit, after your first few clients performance goes to crap, and its time to upgrade. A real WISP is going to want to up grade to a T1 or something for guaranteed speed, as their subscriber base grows. So really its just a way to help the WISP get started. Then you have to look at the angle of why SpeakEasy is offerign this progam?

First they can't get to a large portion of the population that doesn't get DSL yet, so its a way to help pay for T1 services that will allow them to get to the rest of the underserved markets.

Second, as we know the DSL business modle is dead from the perspective of a DSL Internet provider. If they can't get Verizon to deploy copper wires anymore (quickly, cheaply, hassle-free), how can they leverage the inplace infrastructure to expand. Their way at getting back at Verizon is, lets just share the lines that are there already, get rid of the whole costly provisioning process all togeather, lets get rid of the staff costs to deploy the service through communities.

I think its a brilliant idea for SpeakEasy! However, its not a very brilliant idea for consumers. Maybe you'll get one or two homes next door to get good signal, but to get good signal to the rest, you really are going to need to do a complete WISP calaber buildout on the roof of the home. Of course most home users won't know how to do that properly, nor will they have the time to adequately monitor and repair it. So Quality of Service for consumers go way down, and give wireless a bad name.

Plus, in my neighborhoods, SpeakEasy wasn;t so great. Just last year they were forced to de-provision and shut down all the circuits they provided in town. I'm not sure if it was bankruptcy, or shutting down unprofitable cell sites. Not the provider I'd prefer to use based on that history.

Cost isn't everything. I hate seeing the wars drive price so low, when the margin goes something goes with it, and consumers wonder why they have so many problems.

So I say, SpeakEasy, Clever! Consumers, Beware!

Tom DeReggi
RapidDSL & Wireless, Inc
IntAirNet- Fixed Wireless Broadband

----- Original Message ----- From: "David E. Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "WISPA General List" <wireless@wispa.org>
Sent: Monday, January 16, 2006 10:41 PM
Subject: RE: [WISPA] Can you believe this?

Jonathan Schmidt wrote:

But, yes,
the "Terms of Agreement" for broadband contracts usually specify limiting
access to the premises on the address of the contract. Otherwise, for $50
an apartment manager could get a router and hub and wire up the building
and "give free Internet access."

It all depends on the ISP. One of my personal favorites is Speakeasy, who
has a special program just for this.


It's not quite the same, but close. Basically you set up an access point
and secure it yourself, Speakeasy bills them, and give you 80% of whatever
they're billed. The end-user/el-cheapo-WISP-op selects their own price,
Speakeasy bills 'em and gives kickbacks. Basically what a lot of people
are doing anyway, I'm sure, just with more paperwork and less

As an aside, Speakeasy's TOS say you can't resell their "residential"
service plans, but there's no prohibition on this for "business" plans,
which only average an extra twenty bucks or so per month. They also give
out lots of static IPs on most of their plans, expressly permit end-users
to run most servers, and generally do all sorts of wacky stuff.

Despite working for a WISP, I can't get my company's service at my house.
If it were available here, I'd be a Speakeasy customer in no time, because
they're so "friendly" to the geek market.

David Smith
WISPA Wireless List: wireless@wispa.org


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