On Tue, April 25, 2006 11:40 am, Jeffrey Thomas wrote:
> Arin isnt an option I don't think because these guys arent multi-homed
> yet.

And I take it they're not yet big enough to be able to justify a /20

Yeah, in that case, they'll probably have to live with IP space from their
upstream provider for the time being. Due to the problems it can cause
(weird routing issues, BGP hiccups, polluting the global routing table) I
doubt too many ISPs will lease you "just" IP space. I know I wouldn't do
it... :)

They might be able to talk the current upstream into doing something like
this (presumably they've already given a dedicated allocation for now,
since they're current customers) and letting you retain that space if you
later switch ISPs, but even that's pretty darned iffy.

David Smith
WISPA Wireless List: wireless@wispa.org


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