1. The Test-Bed could be used to effectuate many goals, including testing dynamic spectrum access techniques, developing new technologies for public safety,

""and streamlining spectrum coordination processes between federal and non-federal users.""

We seek comment on these goals, as well as other goals that commenters believe will satisfy the purpose of the spectrum sharing innovation Test-Bed.


The wisp down in the Florida Keys ought to write a report on that situation and file it as a report of typical failure of co-ordination and outline the steps that would have lead to a positive resolution.

Here's an example and they should learn from it.


Peter R. wrote:
Released: 06/08/2006. FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION SEEKS PUBLIC COMMENT ON CREATION OF A SPECTRUM SHARING INNOVATION TEST-BED. (Dkt No 06-89). Comments Due: 07/10/2006. Reply Comments Due: 07/24/2006. (FCC No. 06-77). OET. Contact: Saurbh Chhabra at (202) 418-2266, email:

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