One of the more interesting uses of VoIP for us has been dial tone only service. This is essentially a phone line that can make local calls, but can't receive phone calls since there is no number assigned to it. We've used this service to allow property managers to replace POTS lines used for access control devices that call residents to allow entry to a property. A recent example is a property, which had 34 of these devices and was therefore paying for 34 POTS lines.


Peter R. wrote:

VoIP Is About More Than Replacing The Phone

For way too long, most of the attention on VoIP has focused on how it's a cheaper telephone replacement option -- which a few people have pointed out is the wrong lesson to take from VoIP. Yes, it can provide cheaper calling, but the real value of VoIP is that it opens up the ability to add new and useful applications to voice communications. When looking for game-changing ideas, simply doing something cheaper tends not to be nearly as revolutionary as enabling something that couldn't have been done before. That's why it's been disappointing to see so many VoIP providers focus on price wars rather than offering something different. The good news is that we're starting to see some companies offer something different using VoIP. The disposable phone numbers idea seems more like a gimmick (though one that some folks might find useful). However, what's more interesting are the features the service is looking to add on top of the disposable numbers, such as the ability to offer specific content to callers. Who knows if this particular solution will catch on, but it's nice to see companies trying to provide something more than just a telephone replacement service when it comes to VoIP.

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